

4月19日(火) 会場:はこぶね保育園
630 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON,M5S 2H4 (knoxChurch 2F)
参加費:$3~5 included 材料費と送料、残りは寄付金)
Dear Friend, In light of the recent terrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan, that have destroyed so much and affected so many, i would like to propose a small spirit-raising idea. It would involve myself teaching anyone who would like to participate, to make Japanese E-tegami cards, which would then be sent to the Japanese people currently left homeless and living in shelters and gymnasiums. The goal of the cards is not only to uplift the survivors and give them a sense of support beyond Japan, but also to give the opportunity for people in Canada to practice the Japanese art of E-tegami cards.
Visit http://etegamicanada.blogspot.com/ This is very new. I’m going to up date and put more INFO.
The total fee per person would be $35, and this would include all the materials needed to make the card, as well as cover the postage of sending the cards to Japan. I would be volunteering my time, and any extra money left over would be donated to the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre / Japan Fund. Your donations will be used to directly help the people of Japan.
I sincerely hope we will be able to work together, and i look forward to hearing back from you on this soon. With Warmest Regards,

そんな願いを込めて、はがき一枚を35ドルで買ってもらい、材料費、配送費を差し引いた余剰金は、JCCCの日本地震救済基金に寄付します。買ったはがきには、私の用意する絵具・墨・筆などの道具やスタンプを使って絵と言葉を書き入れて頂き、それを心のドネイションとしてE-tegami Canadaで預かります。後日、送付先の避難所を日系各団体にもご意見いただきながら決定し、預かった作品をまとめて被災地へ送らせていただきます。一枚でも多く集まれば一人でも多くの人の心を元気づけられると信じて。


Sachiko Hata Pereklita

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