
News from Japan / Mr.Koko Kikuchi reported

「Stand for Children」で実行委員長を務めてくださった菊池幸工さんが故郷岩手の被災地を訪問するというので、被災地への応援絵てがみの一部、JCCCからは「Crane Project」で集まった千羽鶴とトロントの小学生が書いたてがみを託していた。気仙小学校訪問の際にTVニュースの取材があり、その時のニュースを送ってくださったので、お見せしたいと思ったが、PC音痴な私には動画の添付が出来ませんでした。私自身の日本帰国が数時間後に迫っているため、これ以上は無理です。また時間が出来たらトライしますので、この度はご容赦ください。以下英文メッセージと菊池さんから頂いたニュースの英訳を添付しました。

This News from Mr.Koko , He came to St.Josaphat on first day of Crane Project.
He visited Japan in May. 
He brought the paper cranes and the letters from GTA Toronto area elementary school Students to Kesen elementary school students.
Please watch this video from Japanese TV news.
I'm sorry. I couldn't upload this video clip.
I don't have enough knowledge to do but I will try later.
Sembazuru (one thousand paper crane) was sent to an elementary school in
Rikuzentakada, Iwate prefecture, on May 15, 2011 to cheer up the children
who were victims of Tsunami.

This Sembazuru was folded by elementary and middle school students in
Toronto and sent through Toronto Iwatekenjinkai Club.
The children who received this Sembazuru are the students of Kesen
Elementary School. This school building was completely destroyed by Tsunami.
They are renting some rooms of Osabe Elementary School building in
Rikuzentakada City to study.
The children were very surprised to learn that the children in, far away
country, Canada were concerned about them. They were very happy and exited
about knowing what the messages in English say.
In Toronto, more than 150 schools are participating in this project to cheer
up the friends in Japan. Kesen Elementary School is decided to display the
Sembazuru in School hall. (May 15th, 2011)
Koko Kikuch translated.

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